I am “just” a mother…
“I am just a mother.”
Do you see anything wrong with that sentence?
The word "just" is in the wrong spot.
Do you see how the word "just" brings about a negative connotation, as if being a mother was some stupid thing to be?
Or how being a mother is not really much work, and you need a real job?
To all the stay-at-home moms out there, you're not "just" a mother:
You are a just mother.
You see the difference?
Let that sink in for a moment, and realize the blessing and responsibility that has been put on your shoulders.
You are someone who will raise the future generations that will carry this religion اِن شاء الله .
You are raising someone who will اِن شاء الله be a form of Sadaqa Jariya for you.
In multiple ways:
Abu Qatadah reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said,
“The best of what a man leaves behind are three:
1. A righteous child who supplicates for him,
2. Ongoing charity the reward of which reaches him,
3. Knowledge that is acted upon after him.”
Source: Sunan Ibn Majah 237
As a mother, you can benefit from all 3 of these methods!
Your child can be a righteous child that will pray for you.
Your child can give charity and give to the Ummah because you taught them to.
Your child can act upon the knowledge of Islam that you taught them.
You are giving your children the nourishment and time that they need, especially at that young age.
Those critical years where most of a child’s understanding of the world is formed and solidified.
So no, you’re not “just” a mother.
You are a “just” mother.