Smoking weed in Jamaica..
I didn't know what pot smelled like until 2014.
I was 32 years old in Jamaica on vacation, talking to some guy on the beach, asking for directions.
My kids know what weed smells like today.
This is crazy, and unacceptable.
More and more drugs are becoming legal or OK to use, and it will destroy this country.
It will destroy our children.
We would have people come to school to warn us about drugs, and now it's being turned into a cultural norm.
I tried renting a car 2 weeks ago, but I couldn’t rent it because the window was left open and it got rained in.
Why was it left open? Probably because of the smell right as we sat down inside...
I went to Target the other day, and it smelled like weed about 20 feet from the front entrance.
Went to a hotel on Saturday for a wedding, and the lobby caught someone smoking weed in the bathroom.
Subhan Allah.
Weak people will lead to a weak society.
Your kids are exposed to this, even if they’re homeschooled, just from going outside and interacting with the world.
Now imagine your child in school. He or she is not only exposed to this, but they might think it’s OK.
All it takes is an influencer online to highlight the health benefits.
From a phone you gave them without any guidance.
But how many of our children have heard this verse to counteract the supposed “health benefits?”
They ask you ˹O Prophet˺ about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is great evil in both, as well as some benefit for people—but the evil outweighs the benefit.” They ˹also˺ ask you ˹O Prophet˺ what they should donate. Say, “Whatever you can spare.” This is how Allah makes His revelations clear to you ˹believers˺, so perhaps you may reflect.
Quran (2:219)
It’s not enough to just get high anymore.
It has to be quick, just like everything else in today’s fast paced and low-attention span society.
You can’t wait to light a blunt anymore.
You need highly concentrated whiffs to get you that high now.
Whiffs so strong that one mother described it as almost destroying her daughter’s brain.