The one coping mechanism we need the most, but we use the least.

People cope with their problems in many ways:

  • Drugs

  • Alcohol

  • Stress eating

  • Yelling

  • Hurting their families

  • Excess video game consumption

  • Netflix

  • Porn

But there's one coping mechanism that people are moving more and more away from:


In in particular:


You can't even begin to realize how important Salah is.

Allah is not in need of our Salah, but we are desperately in need of it.

What better feeling can we have when we ask Allah, the Creator of the Heavens and Earth, the One who is able to change everything for you, for our needs?

Never underestimate the importance of Salah!

Just imagine what can happen to us if we substitute any or all of our coping mechanisms with Salah.

Not only will it save your life, it will save your soul.


Treat your daughters like humans, not corpses.


Rich vs poor people…