Fahad X Fahad X

Doubting your ability to homeschool?

We have tried so many difficult things in life, and when we look back, we feel a sense of accomplishment and thankfulness to Allah because He made so many things happen for us, and with relative ease. 

We have moved from our home countries to foreign countries and established a better life for ourselves.

We learned a foreign language and were able to thrive in an environment that was completely alien to us. 

We went through college, studied the hardest courses, and were able to attain the degree we wanted.

Accomplishment after accomplishment, we have been able to always push the bar.

Unfortunately when people are considering homeschooling their children, they come up with false hurdles in their path. 

Even though they are more than qualified to teach elementary grade classes with their post graduate degrees, they still doubt themselves and their ability to educate their child.

One of the biggest holdbacks parents have is:

“I Can’t Homeschool Because I don’t have the patience for it.”

While that may be true, your patience will only grow as you put yourself through tougher and tougher situations.

Didn’t you have patience when you were moving to another country forever?

Didn’t you have patience when you studied your butt off to get that degree?

Didn’t you have patience while you were pregnant?

Didn’t you have patience while you were giving birth?

Parents go through so much before the child is even born, and although it gets harder, it also gets more rewarding.

Both in this life and the next.

Seeing your child struggle through problems and then finally “figure it out,” is a moment of joy for both of you.

A moment you can share together.

Remember, when you ask Allah to make you patient, He can’t just “give” you patience.

He has to put you through situations where your ability to be patient can manifest!

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Fahad X Fahad X

The biggest time saver as a homeschooler.

If you are homeschooling your kids, they will seemingly be the underdog. 

They will be considered to be at a disadvantage since they don’t have access to the fancy classrooms, the laptops, the fancy whiteboards, and the arsenal of teachers, counselors, and therapists at hand.

Actually, after reading the book “Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up,” I’ll consider the lack of therapists an advantage.

The truth of the matter is, your kids will automatically be at an advantage because they will have the most important statistic when it comes to schooling:

Teacher to student ratio.

There will be a 1 to 1 student to teacher ratio, which cannot be achieved even with the most expensive of schools. That will automatically save a lot of time for both you and your child because most lessons can be done in a fraction of the time when you only have one student to teach. 

If you ever tried to teach 20 plus students at a time, you know for a fact that half the time is used up just to manage the classroom behavior.

You could take those 8 hours of school, and condense it to 2-3 hours. Then your child can use that extra time to do other extracurricular activities or to focus on a subject they really like.

That is a much better use of time.

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Fahad X Fahad X

Are you leading your children down a path of disbelief?

Abu Huraira reported the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) as saying:

"No child is born, but upon the Fitra. It is his parents who make him a Jew or a Christian or a Polytheist." (Sahih Muslim)

This is a very scary hadith.

Your child starts off as a Muslim, but you as a parent can change them into a polytheist. 

Now you as a Muslim parent would say, “Of course I wouldn’t do that! I’m a Muslim, and I have firm belief in Islam. How could I lead my own child into polytheism?!”

You will not teach them polytheism, but you will let others teach your child polytheism. 

What will they learn when they are not in your care?

What will they learn from the young age of 2 weeks? 

I say 2 weeks because your child will still be learning in ways you can't imagine. They will learn by sight, by touch, by feel, by sound.

Who will be the one nurturing them after a few weeks? Will it be the mother, or will it be an institutionalized daycare worker?

Will they be hearing soothing music, or their parents reciting Qur'an/dhikr when they're in these daycares?

By the time your kid reaches school, what will they be learning? You might not know because you grew up in a Muslim country and you learned about Islam and even had Fridays off for Jummah prayers. 

But Western schools either treat Islam like a footnote, or even worse, like a disease.

Will the conversations in school revolve around Allah or a Creator, or will the conversations marvel at Science as its God?

Will children be taught proper manners and etiquettes, or will they be told to follow their desires without any care for others?

(Hint: They will be told to follow their desires.)

Do you think you have the ability to mitigate 8+hours a day of this type of indoctrination? 

5 days a week? 

An environment where religion is considered backward and blindly following society is considered progress?

The only way to mitigate this type of corruption of your child's Fitra is to be your kids' teacher.

This is a call to mothers first, and for fathers second.

Fathers need to be able to go out and provide, and mothers need to take care of the children.

Not just physically, but emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

There is a reason why the Prophet ﷺ said that the best pleasure in this world is a righteous woman!

It was narrated from ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:

“This world is temporary joys, and the best temporary joy of this world is a righteous wife.” 

(Narrated by Muslim, 1467)

Subhan Allah!

What does a righteous wife bring to the table?

Here are some benefits just from a motherly perspective:

  1. Nurture the children in her safety blanket.

  2. Feed the child with healthy food (breastmilk, home cooked meals)

  3. Teach the child about Allah, the Prophet ﷺ, and Islam.

  4. Soothe the child with her beautiful voice.

  5. Having access to the best teacher a child could have. 

The benefits are endless to be honest.

The question once again is, "Will you be the one that leads your child down the path of polytheism?"

The decision is up to you.

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Fahad X Fahad X

Are children born knowing their Creator?

Interesting link to an article in Hamza Tzortzis’ book, “The Divine Reality: God, Islam and The Mirage of Atheism.

Here’s part of the abstract with the article titled:

Are Children ‘‘Intuitive Theists’’?

“Rather than being ‘‘artificialists’’ in Piagetian terms, are children ‘‘intuitive theists’’—disposed to view natural phenomena as resulting from nonhuman design? A review of research on children’s concepts of agency, imaginary companions, and understanding of artifacts suggests that by the time children are around 5 years of age, this description of them may have explanatory value and practical relevance.”

What they are describing is the uncorrupted Fitra of the child.

The natural disposition to believe in a Creator.

Something that is being corrupted more and more by the liberal world order at large, and indirectly and unknowingly, by parents.

The article is beyond my level of understanding 😆, but here's the link for you smarter people.

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Fahad X Fahad X

Are you destroying your child’s brain?

Crypto Cranium from MuslimSkeptic about the effects of Cocomelon and other addictive shows on kids brains:

(BTW if you can't read this because it's too much reading, you are also a victim.)

Yes, rather than engaging with their children in healthy and playful activities that could be replete with beautiful teaching moments, moral lessons, and learning experiences, modern parents are increasingly opting instead for keeping their children glued, for hours on end, to a screen that will overstimulate and damage their tiny developing brains with flashing lights and loud sounds.

As a result, the upcoming generation will suffer problems with mental development and socialization leading to ADHD and autism. A study published in the American Academy of Pediatrics discovered the severe effects that fast-paced television had on children’s executive functioning:

“According to a 2011 study from the American Academy of Pediatrics, just nine minutes alone of exposure to fast-paced cartoons led to diminished executive functioning in preschool-aged children. The rapid succession of stimuli overwhelms the brain’s capacity to process information effectively, resulting in decreased attention spans and difficulties with self-regulation.”

At the end of the day, what effect will this have on the Ummah? Crypto Cranium continues:

What do you think being hypnotized by meaningless flashing pixels on a screen for hours every day, instead of spending that time exploring nature, playing, socializing with other children, pondering, and asking questions, etc., does to the human soul? With their spirits and natural intuitions hampered from such an early age, will they really even care about Islam and the fight between good and evil? Or will they be comfortable throwing their time and life away just staring at screens?

The funny thing about the addictions of screens and technology is that Steve Jobs himself did not allow his kids to have an iPad.

Let that sink in for a moment.

What did he say exactly when he was asked back in 2011 about banning his kids from using an iPad?

“We don’t allow the iPad in the home. We think it’s too dangerous for them in effect,” he said when asked whether his kids love the iPad.

Despite touting the iPad as a game-changer for education, web browsing, video consumption and social interaction the year before, Jobs recognized the device’s addictive nature. He understood that once the iPad became a constant presence, resisting its allure would be a challenge.

Game, set, match.

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Fahad X Fahad X

You will be tested.

Your kids and my kids have an easy life.

The minute they start growing older, they will realize that their lives will be full of tests.

They need to know that from you firsthand. 

They need to know that life will never be constant bliss, but it is a constant struggle. 

Just like Allah subhana wata’aalah says in the Qur’an:

لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا ٱلْإِنسَـٰنَ فِى كَبَدٍ ٤

Indeed, We have created humankind in ˹constant˺ struggle. (Surah Salad 90:4)

The struggle is real, and guaranteed!

If the Prophet ﷺ can lose 5 out of his 6 children during his lifetime, what makes you think you will not go through severe trials? 

If the Prophet ﷺ can get hit in the mouth with an arrow like he did in the Battle of Uhud, what makes you think that you will not go through pain?

The Prophet ﷺ was the Khalil of Allah, the close friend of Allah, yet Allah subhana wata’aalah gave him some of the biggest trials!

As a parent, we have a natural tendency to solve our kids’ problems, but sometimes we need to let them solve their own problems. 

They need to learn the struggles of life, and realize that they will have to solve their problems on their own one day.

The best way to prepare them for life is to give them that controlled independence, and allow them to find solutions on their own. It will help them develop strength, perseverance, empathy, and leadership qualities.

Be their guide that they come to for advice, but at the end of the day, let them resolve issues they are qualified to resolve.

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Fahad X Fahad X

A logistical guide to doing Umrah by yourself.

Alhamdulillah I have been to Umrah many times between 2009 and 2024. I have seen the changes and evolution of the process and I wanted to share with you all the tips and tricks I have learned in order to make your Umrah as affordable and successful as possible.

I will be discussing the process from the perspective of someone coming from the USA, and going to Umrah during off-season. Off-season is usually outside of Ramadan and Hajj seasons. 

Most people are under the impression that they have to go through a group for Umrah, but if you are from the US, you can book everything yourself and save yourself some money. At the very least, you will have more transparency in pricing by breaking down the cost yourself, and then comparing it to what a group would charge. The benefits of doing it all yourself is that you are in control of your time and not anyone else. You can plan how you want things to be done, and not pay for anything extra that you might not have time for or need, such as extra touring trips.

Make sure you have the obvious things in check first:

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Fahad X Fahad X

Psychiatric drugs - you are being lied to.

Celia Ford from Vox News:

In 2023 alone, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) poured $1.25 billion into research studying how mental illness manifests in the brain. People are prescribed more psychiatric drugs now than ever, while talking openly about depression, anxiety, and ADHD isn’t just becoming less stigmatized — online at least, it’s almost cool.

Almost cool, referring to romanticized versions of depression and mental illness that you almost wish you had. It’s just like what a Pharmacist I knew who would see the commercials for Valtrex on TV, showing an attractive girl taking a walk on the beach. His words were priceless and stick with me to this day:

“Man, that commercial is so good it makes you want to have herpes.”

Back to the article, and the lies about psychiatric medications:

Despite the popular framing of mental illnesses as being fundamentally caused by electrochemical imbalances in the brain, a pile of evidence decades in the making suggests the truth is much more complicated. It’s the biggest open secret in neuroscience — psychiatric medications often don’t work.

Just read the first paragraph of this article to see Psychiatry’s Grand Confession.

The chemical imbalance theory was mainly spread by the Pharmaceutical companies, which should not be a shock to anyone.

Do some of these medications work for patients some of the time? Of course they do, but you could say that about a lot of things. You could throw a pill at a problem, and it could work for a lot of people, but at the same time harm the other half of the population that it is not working for:

If drugs that alter chemical signaling in the brain are capable of silencing auditory hallucinations and suicidal thoughts, then brain chemistry must somehow explain mental illness, at least in part. But while medications like antidepressants and antipsychotics make many people feel a lot better, they make just as many — or more — feel the same or even worse. (Prescribing the right meds for the right condition is mostly a guess, and the wrong match can accidentally shoot someone into a manic episode, for example.)

People have been ignoring their fitra for so long, and they have been avoiding what matters most: their connection with Allah. While medicine in general does have its place, nothing can bring that peace and tranquility like the remembrance of Allah:

ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَتَطْمَئِنُّ قُلُوبُهُم بِذِكْرِ ٱللَّهِ ۗ أَلَا بِذِكْرِ ٱللَّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ ٱلْقُلُوبُ ٢٨

Those who believe and whose hearts find comfort in the remembrance of Allah. Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort. (Surah Rad - 13:28)

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Fahad X Fahad X

A child’s first glance at the Ka’bah.

The moment we were waiting for had finally arrived.

It is always an emotional scene for many including myself, but I was not sure how my kids would react. The 7yr old was just not feeling well and I didn’t expect much of a reaction from her, but my 10 and 12 yr olds were old enough to appreciate what we were about to lay our eyes on.

They were also quite tired and jet-lagged over the past week of activities in Madinah, so I was not really sure how they would react when seeing the Ka’ba for the first time. 

When that moment finally came, and my two oldest children lifted their heads up to finally get a glance at the Ka’ba, they immediately started tearing up. 

Subhan Allah. 

It was a pleasant surprise for me and also made me a bit more emotional, because I realized that my wife and I are doing something right. 

We have done something right in order to make them feel emotionally attached to the house of Allah.

All those years of teaching the kids about who Allah is, His magnificent status, and how He is deserving of all worship, the Seerah lessons, etc, it all was worth it. 

It is one of my most prized memories that I will ever have when going for Umrah.

It gives me comfort in knowing that they are attached to Islam, but also it gives me the drive to keep on treading forward. 

Shaytan wants me to take it easy, but I will not take it easy. 

Au contraire mon frére.

This minor victory is a victory, but it is not a license to become complacent. 

Just like when Rocky Balboa was getting plummeted by Ivan Drago, and it seemed like the fight was over, Rocky finallythrew a right hook and cut the Russian giant, shattering his confidence, and allowing Rocky to gain huge momentum.

Rocky didn’t stop at that one punch, but that punch exposed the fallible nature of the Russian giant, and made Rocky go all out for the victory in the end.

Even better, when the Prophet ﷺ freed the Arabian Peninsula from idol worship, they Muslims didn’t stop there.

They kept going and doubled down on spreading Islam!

Every victory you see from your child’s manifestation of Islam should be a motivational tool to make you double down on your quest for knowledge and teaching that knowledge to your children.

Complacency is not an option.

Complacency is never the option.


P.S. On a side note, not everyone reacts the same way emotionally during circumstances like this one (seeing the Ka’ba for the first time). Some people don’t feel that overwhelming emotion until after they start making tawaf, or even days later. People are different, and crying at first glance vs not crying at first glance does not necessarily mean one is more or less pious. 

Yet another reason not to be complacent.

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Sexually explicit deepfakes are everywhere in high schools.

Matteo Wong from the Atlantic about the power of AI:

This power has brought with it a tremendous dark side that many experts are only now beginning to contend with: AI is being used to create nonconsensual, sexually explicit images and videos of children. And not just in a handful of cases—perhaps millions of kids nationwide have been affected in some way by the emergence of this technology, either directly victimized themselves or made aware of other students who have been.

Kids as young as 9 are being exposed to this type of material:

Today’s report joins several others documenting the alarming prevalence of AI-generated NCII. In August, Thorn, a nonprofit that monitors and combats the spread of child-sexual-abuse material (CSAM), released a report finding that 11 percent of American children ages 9 to 17 know of a peer who has used AI to generate nude images of other kids.

The amount of AI-generated CSAM is also underreported:

Although the number of official reports related to AI-generated CSAM are relatively small—roughly 5,000 tips in 2023 to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, compared with tens of millions of reports about other abusive images involving children that same year—those figures were possibly underestimated and have been growing. It’s now likely that “there are thousands of new [CSAM] images being generated a day,” David Thiel, who studies AI-generated CSAM at Stanford, told me. This summer, the U.K.-based Internet Watch Foundation found that in a one-month span in the spring, more than 3,500 examples of AI-generated CSAM were uploaded to a single dark-web forum—an increase from the 2,978 uploaded during the previous September.

Most of these victims naturally are female, which should not be a surprise.

Share this with Muslim parents (heck, all parents) who still think public schools are safe and OK, especially for their daughters.

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Why Muslim men need to be fit.

I’ve heard many podcasts about this topic, and it’s nice to see one from a Muslim perspective, Allahumma barik. Check out this video, and here’s a serious but funny clip from the show 😅.

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The Death of Parenting?

Al-Farsi from MuslimSkeptic describing the death of parenting:

From the moment they are born, they are subjected to medical procedures, poked, bled, prodded, injected, and handled by uniformed strangers who usher them into their new life. At the tender age of three or four, they are torn from the loving embrace of their mothers, their lips barely dry from the final taste of their mother’s milk, and they are thrust into the cold hands of an education system...

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Parenting Parenting

Will your kids resent you?

If you don’t teach your kids about Islam, and make it a part of their life, they might resent you. Of course there should always be respect and good manners towards parents, but sometimes thoughts still creep in and if a parent deprives their child of sound Islamic knowledge, that child will always feel behind once they start practicing Islam. 

Not only that, but it can lead to families bickering and even splitting apart, especially if they are on different wavelengths in terms of following the religion.

If you practice, and you teach your kids to practice, your relationship in sha Allah will be fruitful, blessed, and strong.

Unfortunately, there are probably a lot of people like this sister here asking this question.

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Family, Islam Family, Islam

Tips for a successful marriage.

Sr. Na’ima Robert talks about an important discussion that was very beneficial not only for prospective Muslims who want to get married, but also for those who have been married for years. 

A good listen, especially the first 10-15 minutes where she talks about her personal story of marriage, loss, and shukr (thankfulness). 

If there’s one thing I can say about this video, it is to watch the first 10-15 minutes about shukr and what to do when you go through a tragic loss. The formula that she was told by a friend was nothing short of genius and  total submission to Allah.

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Generative AI and “nudify” apps

Matt Burgess, from Wired.com (on arstechnica):

Major technology companies, including Google, Apple, and Discord, have been enabling people to quickly sign up to harmful “undress” websites, which use AI to remove clothes from real photos to make victims appear to be “nude” without their consent. More than a dozen of these deepfake websites have been using login buttons from the tech companies for months.

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